...Our workmanship is never noticed 😉
By Jud Menshal | Jan 25 2025 | Asbestos Removal
Watch this Kanata related Asbestos Removal video before requesting a quote. This will make you a more educated buyer and help you on your journey to abating the asbestos in your home.
Have You Found Asbestos In Your Kanata Home?
If you have asbestos on your floor vents, follow these steps:
1. Continue to use your furnace (hvac related / winter)
2. Call an Asbestos Remediation Contractor for a quote and availability
3. Consider purchasing a HEPA filter to clean the air in your home (High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter)
4. Inspect home for additional areas of concern
5. Have the areas abated by the company with the best service (and without scare tactics)
It's important to remember that while this is an important matter that needs to be dealt with, there is no sense in panicking. Panicking inhibits proper decision making. If the contractor you're dealing with is putting pressure on you and making you feel uneasy, remember you have options. Consider getting more quotes.
The following residential construction materials MAY contain asbestos
It isn't uncommon for asbestos to be found during a home inspection. Sometimes it is missed. Additionally, some think that because asbestos was not reported in their home inspection report, that they don't have any at all.
This is a fallacy since a home inspection is a visual one and does not consist of sampling and asbestos substance testing, since it would be illegal to alter the physical properties of a home that is not yet yours. The reason asbestos can sometimes be detected is that certain materials with certain physical properties, such as the asbestos around floor vents are very obviously asbestos since they were used for their heat and fire-retardant properties and nothing more. These materials have been tested many times by skeptics and invariably return positive.
If you've found asbestos during a renovation, it may not have been visible at the beginning of the project and has come to you and your team as a surprise. It is important to call a contractor that understands the urgency of the matter. Some are too busy, others don't care. PatchBoyz is one of the few companies that is able to surgically come into your projects and swiftly remove it so that you can continue your project. And if your drywall also contains asbestos, we are able to help in that matter as well.
Get an Asbestos Popcorn Ceiling Removal Quote
If you have asbestos in your home or you think you have asbestos in your home, it's important to remember the basics of Tort Law. You have a fiduciary duty to keep guests and contractors safe from harm.
In the same way that you need to keep your front steps shovelled and lit to prevent people from hurting themselves, you have the duty of informing anyone coming into your home that the air may be contaminated with asbestos. This is if the ACM (asbestos containing material) has been cut scraped or abraded in any way and this has released fibers into the air.
If you're having someone in for a quote and you've already started working on that surface, it is important to let the contractor know so that they can suit up before coming in your home. An accidental exposure can be avoided by fully explaining the situation before having anyone in your home.
PatchBoyz has been blessed with the trust of hundreds of its clients in Kanata and the greater Ottawa area. Coming highly recommended by several HVAC and duct cleaning companies has given us the opportunity to help many families through this challenge.
We've helped families with full home abatement projects all the way down to vents abatements. ON the commercial side, we've abated full buildings down to just a unit or part of. Many buildings in Kanata and Ottawa have asbestos and an asbestos management plan.
You want to avoid, Cutting, Scraping or Abrading any material in your home that is positive for asbestos. Unfortunately this can make some renovation difficult and or expensive. If you're faced with this situation, PatchBoyz is a licensed asbestos contractor and can help you with this.
If the work you need done has come about from water damage, please see our page for Ottawa Water Damage Restoration. If it is from fire or any other disaster, please see PatchBoyz Advanced Restoration Services
If you think you might have asbestos in your home, you're more than welcome to call us for some FREE advice. Let us know what you're planning and we'll tell you if that surface could contain or not and how you might want to proceed.
We can help you avoid common misconceptions in the planning phases of a project. An example of this is to think that because one's neighbor has no asbestos that the same is true for your home. Sometimes one home can be half asbestos and the other is not. This happens as builders finish one batch of materials and start another. This can also happen if a newer renovation has occurred and that new material is what was tested. There is no registry of which material was used where. This is why we must test.
If it makes sense for us to work together, we'd be happy to discuss this. And if we can offer a method for you to do it on your own, we'll tell you about it.
PatchBoyz is proud to be the fastest company to quote its asbestos removal services. While we consider all projects important, the quoting and removal / Disposal of asbestos in Ottawa is especially important to us and our clients. While asbestos is not toxic, it is very hazardous. We strive to educate our clients in the process and instruct them on what follows the abatement and what other items they should consider.
We've seen it happen to many times where a client has sought 3rd party testing. The consultant did not take the time to fully understand the entire projects and the considerations of such. The result is that the client ends up with insufficient tests or insufficient amounts of samples and require the consultant to come back and a separate report to be created, ultimately costing the client more money.
In other scenarios, lack of care as described above can lead to an entire project being put on hold in order to perform more testing and then a project increasing exponentially once it is discovered that an additional material, such as plaster, popcorn ceiling or tile, contains asbestos.
If you're unable to access the funds right away, we're here to support you. We can guide you through temporary measures and help develop a plan of action to make things more manageable. Whether it's through saving or exploring financing options—which we can assist you with—we’re committed to helping you find a solution.
Our goal is always to work closely with our clients, understanding their unique circumstances and offering the best possible support.
Unlike some home repairs that are purely cosmetic, this situation directly impacts your health and well-being. It’s crucial to address it promptly, as delaying can increase the risks over time. Because of this, we prioritize clear and timely communication to work with you on creating a plan that ensures the safety and protection of you and your family.
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Article By
Jud Menshal | 📚
Jud is a 14 year Asbestos Removal Type 3 & Supervisor certified remediation technician with additional experience and certifications in Mold, Lead and Finishing. He holds all mandatory safety credentials important for running a safe project site.